Wednesday, May 20, 2009


During my confinement, there are things that I already know but its meaning had been given emphasis during certain situation like this one. One doctor told me that I have to undergo a surgery. I was informed that I will be admitted in the hospital. My son was with me since day one. When he heard I might undergo an operation. He became quiet. He asked if that could make me well. When we transferred hospital and had been confined. He was just sitting beside me. He became very serious. When the doctors connected medical gadgets in my body, I saw that worried look in his eyes. Before my confinement, he held my hand and asked me. “You will not leave me, right?” I smiled and told him, “Hey, the worst that might happen would be an operation. It will not be like I am going to die now!” Cen answered, “it was only months since you were last confined in the hospital. Now you have to be confined again. That is not a good sign“ I remembered my sons’ words “Promise me you will be ok” . I touched my sons’ face and gave him a reassuring smile. I told him “I am going to be fine”. Actually, I just said that because I don’t want to see him worrying for me. What I read in his face made me realize that my health had not been my priority. My priority was getting him to college and giving him everything he needs. Preparing for the future of my son—that is the outmost importance—more important than my health. That had been my attitude. I recalled I even had an argument with my friend, Engr. De Guzman. He said “Me? I take care of my self because I love my children. Because they still need me.” I always told him our situation is different. He is not a single parent. He landed on the job he loved and wanted. Not just that, a job he loved and a job that pays him well. Not every one had that privilege. In the concrete jungle, when some one is depending on us, there are instances when we chose a job we least wanted if this will support our dependent. Even if such job have its hazards. Survival of the fittest, so to speak.
However, that moment, looking at my only child, I came to realize one thing! Still, i must take chances in order to sustain him, but this time, I will not take my health for granted. You see, my friend. The saying is true : HEALTH IS REALLY WEALTH
For me, I guess, it took a confinement twice in a year to realize that more!

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