Sunday, December 7, 2008


I was not able to write for two days because of a hectic schedule. Well, yesterday was the Christmas party in our division. I had been in a call center for a number of years already but this is the first time i attended a Christmas party. Well, the first time i attended a social gathering in my work since i can not anymore remember when. I say it was nice. First time i felt that my working family is my second family. It is the perfect time to forget responsibilities and the things that i still have to do and loosen up a bit. It is nice to be with my team mates outside the working area as well. Laugh, drink, eat and enjoy. There is a bonus for me, too. Something i was not expecting when i came to the christmas celebration. And oh yes, my congratulation to my supervisor, TL Geboi aka Team Lead Gerard for being the top supervisor for the fourth quarter of 2008. And my congratulation to the whole member of our team, for being the Top 1 Team for the fourth quarter of 2008. I call it team work. Cheers for each of my team mates, Kenneth, Pang aka Chris, Kat, Rhona, Kate, Gene, Yani, Richard aka Doods and our team mate who already transferred to another project but still remains in our heart, Leslie. Of course, our ever understanding team lead, TL Gebboi aka TL Gerard. Merry Christmas guys, to all blogger out there.. and Cheers to each of my team mates !!!

Above pictures taken during the Christmas Party of our Division:

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